A week from tomorrow I leave for Savannah GA.

I will work remote from there, in Savannah's Victorian District for the entire month of February.


And it has been put in my mind that I might want to buy a house. And that idea has rumbled in the background for weeks. And now I want to buy a little bungalow. Two bedrooms and 1 bathroom. Small lot. Garage. And have a cash reserve to fix or improve basics (insulation, air conditioning, heating, plumbing, electrics, yard). Hmm.

Savannah like every city has a broad range of homes and prices. I want to live in the city. More expensive. I want a small - tiny - place. Less expensive.

And there are lots and lots of hound dogs in the South. I shall get myself a hound once I buy my house.

The lease expires February 28, 2022.

I like the word panic. I also like that a "k" gets thrown in for the gerund PANICKING.

And the backstory is fun.

There are some sayings I learned from working in the financial services industry, that in the main have served me well.

No. 1

He who panics first, panics best.

No. 2

Risk not thy whole wad.

Both well-paying and low-paying jobs have been wiped out in the Covid-19 pandemic.

When one hears of the idiotic things people say and do remember... they're not ones making or influencing policy.

Just be part of the solution. Avoid those that are part of the problem.

Enjoy the flailings of those who cry about the way they are treated but can't see how they treat others is in the same vein.

I'm okay. I ate 2 Ghirardelli chocolate bars in the last 12 hours. I don't normally do that so I feel sick to my stomach today. I have some hives on my left leg which is pink from Calamine. The Calamine is working so I am okay.

I'm not the first one to think of this, but yesterday it occurred to me to use fashion scarfs as masks. Silk, or faux silk, might wear better in summer months.

So, I ordered 4 from Amazon yesterday. And I'll get them in the next few days.

Wednesday, March 11 2020

3:45pm, getting ready to catch the 4:00pm "B" Shuttle I became aware of my nasal passage and back of the throat. The nasal  passages felt... cool. Well, that's not a bad sign, is it? The back of the throat felt dry. That's normal for mid-March in Chicago. The air is dr:y as a bone.

4:27pm, on the #147 bus heading home. Did I just feel a sore throat? Note to self: I am a hypochrondriac.

4:31pm Definite dry throat.

4:37pm Chills.

Covid-19 is loose in communities globally.

United States still isn't testing the populace at a scale to measure infection rates.

Cruise ships are showing the virus is shockingly contagious.

Countries are quarantining entire towns - not just China, but Italy and others.

Other countries, including United States - are closing schools.

Austin TX just announced that SXSW is cancelled due to novel coronavirus.

In the last 4 days I've had noxious gas - hazmat levels - bad enough to cancel a dinner engagement.

Back and leg tightness that no matter how much I stretch stays stiff as a board.

Bloated. And when I say bloated, I mean weight gain.

Which brings me to: cranky.

I'd be more irritated but I'm dealing with this too: fatigue. Ugh.

Funny thing... It's only now occurring to me...

Well, no business sign off this week, either.


What do you mean we didn't make a backup plan this time?


No, not moratorium weekend!


Did everyone see that Security Awareness email I just sent?


No, this isn't a stand-up standup meeting. Just dial in.

Tried to donate blood last week. I needed to have 12.5 or higher. I had 10.6.

From the Mayo Clinic:

Lower than normal hemoglobin levels indicate anemia. The normal hemoglobin range is generally defined as 13.5 to 17.5 grams (g) of hemoglobin per deciliter (dL) of blood for men and 12.0 to 15.5 g/dL for women. A day or so later, I looked into what foods boost iron. And saw some effects from low iron such as brain fog. Feeling cold. Oh, great.
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